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The word “gospel” means good news. It is good news to the sinful man stating that through Jesus Christ you can receive salvation. Salvation is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that allows us to experience redemption through His sacrifice.

The gospel leads broken, sinful man into a restored relationship with our creator, God.


We are called to be baptized after salvation. When we enter the waters of baptism, we are proclaiming the story of the gospel. Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and lives again. By joining in baptism, we’re identifying ourselves with Him. Baptism is an outward expression of the work God has done internally. The process of baptism signifies the sacrifice Christ offered up to pay the price for our sinfulness. Once we are saved, we become dead to the power of sin. We can live freely, since we have been raised to new life.We can live freely since we have been raised to new life.


Connect with a fellow Christian and walk through our discipleship course together. Meet weekly to discuss the lessons. Learn from the practical lessons included in our Foundations course. We walk through the basic, fundamental disciplines of Christianity.

After you have completed Foundations our challenge is to see you walk through it with someone else. The Gospel calls us to grow other disciples.